Friday, September 27, 2019

Galligan at Center

Football: it ain't easy.  Being center means being the first to touch the ball and initiate the play.  Have to block, have to gather the huddle.  It is a very visible position -- when you screw up.  But Trev is learning and doing great.  Team is coming together and working hard.

Avery on a Sunny Fall Day

Beautiful few weeks in New England.

Goalie, Bronx Lacrosse

Trev got a proper phone for his birthday.  Middlebrookers get to use the phone to text and call and leave school grounds at the end of the day.  He has labeled it accordingly.

On Saturday September 21 we went down to Randall's Island with a group of 6th and 7th grade Wilton lacrosse boys to play with some of the Bronx Lacrosse kids.  Beautiful morning in the city and great experience for all involved.  We ran some drills and then played a scrimmage.  Fun time and good to meet some new people.  And they beat our boys, which was good!

Field Hockey, Soccer and Trampoline

Avery is on the early bus, 3rd grade at Cider Mill.  She is a busy bee with soccer, field hockey, dance, trampoline, Teddy, reading, and fun friends.  Always on the go!

Trevor Dirty Dozen

12.  Twelve is a big number.  A dozen.  Like eggs, which Trevor loves.  He has eaten dozens of dozens of eggs in his 12 years.  He is flying into 6th grade at Middlebrook and middle school.  Football, lacrosse, trumpet, math, Rangers, Redwoods, and books and friends.  He is a worrier and a germaphobe, and a rule follower and a kind heart.  He is a caring big brother (growing every day), and a phenomenal son.  We love him very much and love watching him grow up.

Had a little party at the Lake Club after football practice.  Had the place to ourselves so the animals could run wild...

Monday, September 2, 2019

Avery Labor Day

Summer highlights and laughter...

Labor Day Hike

Back to the Town Forest, where we have not been for years.  Teddy covered the most ground, by far.

First Soccer Tourney of the Fall

2010 White squad had a great first tournament, losing a tough one in the final.  Avery played some goalie and some in the field and had a lot of fun with face paint.

Football Jamboree

Number 22, starting center.  Trev did a great job in his first taste of competition.  No flubbed snaps, and blocked really well.  This team is good and fun (but tough) for Trev to jump in mid-stream in a pretty important spot.  Coaches and teammates have been supportive and great.  So far so good!

Gone Fishing. At home

Did not catch much, but plant life. 

Dad's BDay

Not getting younger...  but getting happier.  Nice little recognition at work.  And a great cake by the kiddos.

Soccer is back, and Teddy is great

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.