Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hagerstown Trip

Gigi and Grandaddy are moving... less than 2 miles.  But they are shutting down the old house to be sold, and moving to a nice new house that is easier and one-level living.  We went to see the new house, to visit and help the packing effort.  Aunt Annie and Cole came on Sunday and we played some golf and some tennis and had a great time!

Avery Soccer

Avery is having a good fall with Girls U10 White.  The coach isn't the greatest, but Avery is playing some goalie, some forward, and having a lot of fun.  Some tough teams showed up for the tournament in Wilton last weekend.  But we showed some hustle and grit.


Avery is LOVING the Viola.  Still in the plucking stage but pumped for the bow.

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

Took the Jewish Holiday to visit the NYC landmark Statue of Liberty and go all the way to the crown.  Mom had to book tickets months ago for that treat.  Amazing day and great trip.  No luck finding relatives in the Ellis Island database, but enjoyed the Statue and the views.  The kids got roped into a street performance.  And then we walked around Wall Street and had a great late lunch. 

Field Hockey!

Avery had a goal and an assist and looked good out there.  Basement knee hockey may be paying off...

NYC Bat Mitzvah

Trevor had the big New Canaan Black game, so he stayed behind, but the rest of us went into NYC for Lili Wagshal's Bat Mitzvah.  Beforehand, we were able to see Katherine and her new apartment, which was great.  Then we went to the fancy party, with fun kid games and great food -- with views of the East River!

Late night left us collapsed and exhausted...

Fall Fun and a Night Out

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.