Sunday, November 17, 2019

Semifinal Win

The football boys beat Stamford and are on to the finals! Cold night, defensive battle, 7-0 win.

Party time!

11 girls for fun and games.  4 girls stayed the night.  Awesome time on a chilly night.  Flawlessly executed by Mommy and Avery.

Avery Birthday Party Planning "Party Lane"

Nothing was left to chance and Avery and Mommy did an amazing job plotting and planning the best party ever.

Paddle Clinic

Winter is here!  Avery gets to play paddle!

Avery Soccer U10 White

A solid year for another number 22, where Avery improved and gained confidence playing with some older girls given the birth year format.  Fun group of families and some good wins!


Pumpkins, Alex Morgan, Mullets, and candy, candy, candy...

More football shots

Fellow Wilton Dad Roby Totten takes great pics of the boys during the games.  Here is number 22 at work.

Face paint?

Creative thinking leading to Halloween...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.