Friday, January 31, 2020

No heat!

Boiler broke, night with no heat.  Easy fix the next day so all is well.  But we were chilly and Teddy was too...

Science Fair, Middlebrook

Trevor entered the Middlebrook Science Fair and received an Honorable Mention award in Physical Sciences for his "Ballin'" entry.  How does the bouncing surface affect the bounce of a basketball?

Great job Trev!

Outdoor RInk

Trev had a busy day, running from a lacrosse clinic at Army, West Point with that NCAA team all the way down to Greenwich to play hockey outside at the Greenwich Skating Club.  Very cool rink.  Not such a good team.  Fell to our boys 10-1.  Trev netted 2 goals.

Sunshine at Schenks

Avery and Dad took Teddy for a walk on a sunny, muddy day.  Fun puddles.

Rec Hoops

Avery's 3rd Grade Blue squad is still searching for their first win.  Daddy as assistant coach may be part of the problem.  Trev's 6th grade Red team is doing well, winning record, and Trev is a scrappy floor leader.  Made 2 foul shots last weekend -- pressure!

Epic Avery Friday

"Dress Like a Rock Star" at school followed by "3rd Grade Fun Night" in the evening.  Dad volunteered at the fun night for "crowd control" which thankfully was pretty tame.  Great times at Cider Mill!

Finally some snow

Not much to speak of so far this winter.

Ski Sunday

Avery, Trev and Dad shot up to Mohawk for a MLK Sunday run.  Amazing morning.  Ruinous afternoon with crowds and a broken lift.  But the morning!...  And the obligatory snooze in the car on the way home -- every time!

Hunkered at Home

Lots of reading and working going on this January...

On the Ice

Darien House League has been a fun way to spend Friday and Saturday nights.

Avery Dance Show

Great show at the High School featuring "Country Girl" and "Me!"  The girl knew her moves...

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2020. 

Traditional evening at the Lowes -- with rain, podcasts, face paint and a hot tub.  Great time as always and home for the ball drop.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.