Friday, July 10, 2020

Skaneateles for the Fourth

Great four sunny days on the lake in Skaneateles!  Fourth of July was fun but time with cousins was the best!

Summer Fun

Lots of swimming, tennis and reading.

Fathers Day Weekend

Hiking with the McLaurins in Tarrytown, Croquet, Lake Club, all a great Fathers Day weekend!

Back on the Field

Restrictions loosened enough to allow the boys back on the field.  Coaches have masks, parents stay distant.  But thank goodness they can play.  Trevor was very happy!

Last Day of School

2020 is one for the books.  Trevor had a successful first year at Middlebrook and rallied through distance learning.  Avery had a great teacher in Mrs. Cox and a wonderful class in Cider Mill in 3rd grade.  We were happy and sad to have it end!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.