Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Family BDAY Dinner

 Trev wanted to go to Colony Grill -- so we did!  Played a round of golf on the weekend to celebrate.  And Avery cannot put down the Harry Potter books...

Monday, September 28, 2020

Trevor is a teenager

He is not happy about it -- but it is true.  Had a few boys over for some outdoor fun to celebrate.  Avery had Paige over to share the fun.  Ping Pong table came in time!  Proud of Trevor.


Back to School

 Two days in person (Mon, Tues) for the first half of the alphabet.  Half day remote Wednesday, 2 days remote on Thurs. Friday.  First few weeks were completely remote.  It is a grind, but we are grateful for space and focus and time...

Dad's BDay at the LC

 Some mellow COVID fun at the Lake Club for Dad's BDay.  A few families.  Lake Club has been terrific for the summer.  Lots of tennis for everyone, lots of time in the pool.  Reservations for "cabanas" and tables for blocks of time -- all worked pretty well.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.