Monday, May 31, 2021

Avery Lacrosse

 Avery's town lacrosse was 3/4 grade mix with a lot of girls.  Once it was broken into smaller teams, I think it was more fun and focused.  Avery did great in the jamborees and her stick skills get better because she works hard at home with Trev.  Gold Coast is gearing up as well and she is pumped!

At the Barn with PJ

 Avery has gotten to RIDE!  "Peanut Butter and Jelly Time" is the horse at the Riding Club and Avery has had three sessions.  So much fun learning to brush and feed "PJ" and then trotting and walking in the ring.  Love at first sight.

Avery Reading outside with Teddy

 Chilly Spring Days

More Avery soccer

 Avery has gotten better this season and knows how to work hard to get to the ball.  Fun team and fun group.  She has also learned to distract the other team by acting like an airplane.

Aunt Annie Visit

 Aunt Annie came to Tarrytown and we all had a fun garage party!  Trevor is taller than Aunt Jeanne.

Cider Mill School Bake Off

 Zoom Baking exercise -- exploding M&M layer cake!

Wilton 7 Blue Boys Lacrosse 2021

 One week remains in the season that started after St. Patrick's Day.  Lots of fun with the boys and they are getting better and working together.  Some injuries to Max and Charlie Cal changed the makeup of the team significantly a few week in, but we have had some quality wins over Westport (twice) and Greenwich (OT) to make the season special.  We beat those teams we should (Ridgefield, Weston, RELAX, Bronx) and lost to some quality teams (Darien 12-1, Larchmont, Fairfield).  Would like another shot at New Canaan and New Fairfield who beat us in close games.  I want the boys to enjoy it, have fun, and get better and I think for the most part we accomplished that.  One more game and a home jamboree and that is it!  

Trev has done great and gotten better.  Confidence is key.  

Spring Hike

 The days of multiple hikes a week during high COVID have waned, but we all got out for a nice hike at Schenks.  Teddy is happy.

Spring Planting

 May 2021, coming out of COVID.  Daddy still working from home all the time.  Some major mulch and Spring clean-up.  Daddy and Trev mowing the lawn every week.  And Mom and Avery did some plantings.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.