Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Avery is 11!

Birthday for our girl!  Breakfast in bed, a few buddies over for a playdate, and sushi dinner!  


Friday Night Knicks

Got some great tickets from the Walters for Trev's first NBA Game at the Garden.  Knicks got stomped but it is a good time.


Thanksgiving and Turkey Trot

 Boys up early to run in Redding.  Then home to host Gigi and Grandaddy, Jeanne and family, and Mac's niece Lina.  Great day, great weather for the holiday.

Color blast

 sunshine and colorburst

Tarrytown & Cousins

 Went to Tarrytown for a visit with Kathy, Maria, Angela, and the kiddos!  Garage party!

Gobbler Games

 Last Gobbler Games for these boys.  5th grade champs, lost 6th grade by a goal, 7th grade COVID cancelled, and 8th grade -- went 3-0 but lost in the goals against tie breaker against Westport who was also 3-0.  We played fast, we played great, and should be very proud.  Great day for Wilton lacrosse.



Gold Coast Fall Lacrosse

 Avery had a great fall lacrosse season.  Scored a bunch of goals and played with confidence.

More Football

 Let's Go Blue White

Halloween Time!


Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.