Saturday, December 31, 2022

Christmastime in Potomac

 Relaxing and lots of fun.  Toured Georgetown, played paddle, and lots of cousin time.

Avery Dance Concert

 Beautiful Holiday Dance concert at the Clune Center!

Charity 5K

 Avery crushed her first 5K in Wilton!

Avery's Holiday Concert

Excellent holiday concert at Middlebrook!

Freshman Hoops

 Trevor tried out and made Freshman hoops.  So far so good.  Career high 8 points against Bastick.  Number 14!

Duke at MSG

 Trevor and Mom went into MSG to see Duke beat Iowa.

Giants Game

 Came into some seats for the Giants/Washington TIE!

Trevor Coaching 3-4 Grade

 Trev volunteering with Charlie, Curtis and Kieran to coach the littles.  Great.

Avery Birthday

 Turning 12, lots of girls slept over and we had a great time.

Thanksgiving Celebration

 To begin the week we had dinner with the McLaurins.  Then we went down to Chapel Hill and were hosted by Uncle Warren and Aunt Julie.  Got to see Grandma Cally, Aunt Jen and the gang.  We met Anna and her family which was great.  Fun tours of Duke and UNC, lovely hikes, and great time with the family.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.