Monday, January 30, 2023

Mohawk Trip

 Great day with Avery on the slopes.  Minimal snow, warm temps!

Serious Drive

 A dad takes pics at all the basketball games, and caught this series with a very determined Trev taking it to the hoop.

New Outdoor Lights

 At long last, the front walk is illuminated with some new lights...

Chess and Checkmate

A chess craze sweeping the Freshman boys has seeped into our home.  Lots of chess being played.  Trevor has won the majority, but we are all doing our best to catch up.


 Avery remains a serious baking enthusiast.

Winter Walk

 Mild temperatures this January -- NO SNOW.  No ice to skate.  But nice for walks with Teddy...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Lots of Freshman Hoops

Games every Tuesday and Friday provide lots of action and lots of fun.  Team is doing great having only lost once.  Trev is playing more than we expecting and scoring some points, which is great!


Rangers for Daddy

 Jan 12, Doug Ryder took Dad to the Rangers game.  Rangers scored with less than 1 second left to tie it - and won in OT!

Dinner with the McLaurens

 Mac and the kids came over for Jan 6 dinner.  Great to see Griffin before he goes back to VT.  Went surf and turf with Filet and Crab Cakes.

New Years Eve in VT

 Thanks to the Behars for hosting NYE in Queechee/Okemo.  Not great snow, but warm weather and great times with friends.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.