Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving in Hagerstown

We went down to Hagerstown for Thanksgiving and had a really great time. Trevor "ran" in the mashed potato race (as did Griffin) and Daddy tackled the Turkey Trot. Lots of fun family time...

Monday, November 28, 2011


Avery is one year old today. And her Mommy and Daddy cannot believe it. She is such a joy for us. She took her first few steps over the last week, including a few in Hagerstown during the Thanksgiving visit. One of her favorite things is spontaneous "dancing" (shaking her head and shoulders) when she hears any type of music.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Avery revealed some of her own power last night - catapulting herself out of the bathtub and landing forearm-and-forehead first on the floor. Slippery little sucker, but after a few tears, emerged unscathed and with good scores from the judging panel...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Storm Photos

Wilton was socked on October 29. We lost power for five nights. Lost lots of tree limbs and a few trees. But some pretty pictures!

Halloween 2011

A Ladybug and Superman. Lots of fun trick-or-treating in town. We were postponed by a week because of the freak snow storm that CANCELLED HALLOWEEN! How spooky. Trev had as Superman with his friend Conor (Spiderman) and Matthew (Batman).

11 Months

Avery back in the chair at 11 months.


October was a blur of Pumpkin Festival prep and aftermath, travel for Daddy, Halloween, and the second big storm of 2011! Freakish heavy snow swept in on October 29, burdening trees that still held their leaves, and quickly began to snap and pop limbs and entire trees. We lost power for five nights. First night was chilly in the house, when we all slept on the first floor and listened to the wind and hoped that a limb did not come through the ceiling. The next two nights we stayed with the Toohills, which was very gracious on their part and very fun. We hit Trunk or Treat with them on Halloween. Finally we spent two nights in Tarrytown with the McLaurins, which is always a hit with Trevor and Avery. We made it back to our house on Thursday, finally.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Avery's First Wheels

Avery likes to ride.

And just today she walked behind the bike slowly. Walked!


Trev and Avery getting along and goofing off.

TEN Months

Hard to believe our little smiling, cooing, pulling-up, speed crawling, stair-climbing little Miss A is already 10 months old! She likes to cross her ankles - a lot.

Back in the brown chair...

Miss A in the Loo

CNSW 4s Class

Mommy got to observe the fours class in their native habitat. Good times.

Avery Smiles

Avery is 10 months and continues her sweet and smiley ways.

More BDay Shots

Trevor's Fourth Birthday

The celebration went on and on and on. Turned four on September 8, of course and enjoyed his requested dinner of mac & cheese and brownies. Then we had an ELEPHANT party at CNSW on Sunday September 11. Lots of fun with 18-20 friends. Finally, had the birthday "day" at school when Mommy got to read "Great Day for Up!" and share cupcakes with the class. The birthday that would not end - and Trevor is FOUR.

Back to School

Trevor was so excited to start the "4s" at CNSW.

Hurricane Irene

Out chronological order, but on August 27 Hurricane Irene hit the Northeast and knocked down many trees in Wilton. We slept on the first floor and lost power at 2:30AM that Saturday night.
A huge tree fell across Hulda Hill complicating driving, and contributing to the lost power. It did not come back on for a week, but we did not wait for it. On Wednesday we headed to Hagerstown to get power, water and some grandparent love! Always nice to be with Gigi and Grandaddy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.