Monday, November 7, 2011


October was a blur of Pumpkin Festival prep and aftermath, travel for Daddy, Halloween, and the second big storm of 2011! Freakish heavy snow swept in on October 29, burdening trees that still held their leaves, and quickly began to snap and pop limbs and entire trees. We lost power for five nights. First night was chilly in the house, when we all slept on the first floor and listened to the wind and hoped that a limb did not come through the ceiling. The next two nights we stayed with the Toohills, which was very gracious on their part and very fun. We hit Trunk or Treat with them on Halloween. Finally we spent two nights in Tarrytown with the McLaurins, which is always a hit with Trevor and Avery. We made it back to our house on Thursday, finally.

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Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.