Sunday, June 11, 2017

Wilton 3 Lacrosse

During the final week, Wilton 3 played in the New Canaan tournament (10v10 full field) and met some tough competition.  To finish the year we again played the Pound on the Sound (7v7) in Norwalk.  Great day.  Trevor played goalie against Norwalk and had a shutout going late into the game.  We won 17-3.  We beat Madison and then lost to a big, strong (a few fourth graders) Shelton team.  Great game, lost by 2.  Wilton 3 White went undefeated, beating Westport, Fairfield and Newtown.  Fun season.  Lots of lacrosse learned, and some great play.

Gave all the boys a "Game Ball."

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Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.