Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Teddy and the Girls

 His happiest place...

Mason Behar Bar Mitzvah

 A social event for parents and Trevor -- what a treat!

Avery Soccer

 Great coach and a fun team.  Trying harder and getting better every day! 

Lucky 13!

Wilton 7 Blue Lacrosse

 Off to a 2-1 start with a loss to New Fairfield and wins over Weston and Westport.  Onward!

Spring Break 2021, Hagerstown, MD

 All-Day drive from Asheville, North through TN, VA, WV and MD.  Stopped and looked at W&L and VMI, in Lexington, VA, which the kids found interesting.  Rolled into Hagerstown for a take-out dinner and some Scrabble.  Saturday AM golf for the boys with Gigi and Grandaddy and lunch on the patio.  Then home to CT!

Spring Break 2021, Asheville, NC

 Drove across the State to Asheville.  Met up with the Duvall's and had a good time.  Fun group dinner on night one.  Biltmore on Day 2, which was great.  Said good bye to the Duvalls. Two more nice dinners and a hike to a summit.  We got to explore the town a bit but with chilly weather and COVID, we need to go back to get the full experience.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.